At Advanced Conferences & Meetings, we approach the most prominent industry leaders and trail-blazers to speak at our events. Following extensive research, we link the most cutting-edge and important topics, with the leading pioneers and most innovative technology providers, to help our audience face the challenges of today and create the opportunities of tomorrow.
The contributors to each of our conference programmes are placed on unique business platforms alongside esteemed and influential panels of their peers from both the public and private sectors. We offer our speakers a highly rewarding experience that will raise their profile and professional reputation, showcase their company’s innovations and market leadership and allow them to educate and shape the industries they work in.
Become one of our speakers and enjoy a myriad of benefits in return for your contribution:
Learn from your fellow speakers. Whether you are chairing the day, delivering a keynote address, presenting a case study or participating in panels, roundtables, workshops or master-classes, you will have free access to the whole conference agenda
Strengthen your reputation as an industry authority and opinion leader
Highlight achievements and objectives of your organisation
Network and benchmark with your direct industry peers in a commercially productive environment
Influence decision makers from either side of you on the value chain
If you feel that you have an exciting project or case-study to share and would like to be considered as a speaker, or to suggest a topic that you feel should be addressed at the Summit, please contact us